Michael Lazopoulos
Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at LawPartner
Michael Lazopoulos advises and represents Swiss and international clients before Swiss courts and arbitral tribunals in a wide range of commercial disputes under all major institutional rules and in ad hoc proceedings. He is regularly appointed as president, sole arbitrator and party-appointed arbitrator. He further represents clients in legal assistance matters and internal investigations as well as enforcement, setting aside and civil attachment proceedings before Swiss cantonal courts and the Swiss Federal Supreme Court.
Michael Lazopoulos is listed on the panel of arbitrators of the ICC National Committee (Switzerland). He is recommended as expert for arbitration and litigation in Who's Who Legal. Best Lawyers® recognizes Michael Lazopoulos as one of Switzerland's leading International Arbitration and Litigation lawyers.
Arbitration | Litigation | Employment Law | White Collar Crime and Investigations
- Since 2012: Partner at Lustenberger + Partners
- 2008–2011: Associate at Pestalozzi Attorneys at Law, Zurich
- 2007: Associate at Allens Arthur Robinson, Sydney
- 2001–2006: Associate at Benz & Partners, Zurich
- German
- English
- French
- Zurich and Swiss Bar Association (ZBA/SBA)
- Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- German Institution of Arbitration (DIS)
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
- International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR)
- 2009: MCIArb, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London
- 2007: LL.M., University of New South Wales, Sydney
- 2004: Dr. iur., University of Zurich
- 2003: Zurich Bar, admitted to all Swiss courts
- 2000: lic. iur., University of Zurich
- 1998: Visiting Student, University of Freiburg
- Chairperson in ICC arbitration proceedings concerning a contractual dispute between Spanish and Belgium parties regarding technical defects of high-performance ammunition
- Chairperson in DIS arbitration proceedings concerning a dispute between Swedish and German parties regarding a license agreement
- Chairperson in CEAC arbitration proceedings concerning a dispute between German and Chinese parties regarding a sales contract in the clothing industry
- Chairperson in ICC arbitration proceedings concerning a dispute between Italian and Turkish parties regarding a cooperation agreement in the hotel industry
- Co-arbitrator in Swiss Rules arbitration proceedings between an Italian telecommunication company and an English shareholder concerning a dispute arising out of a shareholders' agreement
- Co-arbitrator in Swiss Rules arbitration proceedings concerning a dispute between a German pharmaceutical manufacturer and a Hungarian distributor regarding a license and supply agreement in the pharmaceutical sector
- Co-arbitrator in ICC arbitration proceedings concerning a dispute between Swiss and Albanian parties regarding the distribution of pharmaceutical products
- Sole Arbitrator in ICC arbitration proceedings concerning a dispute between a Canadian party and a state in the middle east regarding a sales agreement for helicopters
- Representation of two sellers in Swiss Rules arbitration proceedings concerning a multi-party post M&A dispute regarding warranty claims
- Representation of a Swiss commodity trading company in Swiss Rules arbitration proceedings concerning a dispute against a Spanish buyer arising from an international sales contract
- Representation of a Swiss company in Swiss Rules arbitration proceedings in connection with recourse claims of an international insurer arising from contractual liability
- Representation of an Australian commodity trading company against a Swiss company concerning a dispute arising from an international sales contract
- Representation of various creditors in court proceedings against the former auditor of a company in bankruptcy regarding auditor liability
- Representation of a Dutch bank in arrest and enforcement proceedings against a former customer before various Swiss courts
- Representation of an english investor in structured products against a major Swiss bank in a dispute before a commercial court
- Representation of corporate and private clients in various state court proceedings regard-ing employment disputes (bonus claims, unjust dismissal claims, non-compete obligations, etc.)
- Representation of a Luxembourg investment fund in state court proceedings regarding civil claims in a multi-jurisdictional commercial fraud case
- Michael Lazopoulos is "one of Switzerland's leading practitioners" in the category of Commercial Litigation (Lexology Index: Thought Leaders Switzerland 2024)
- “Michael Lazopoulos is very thorough, a real expert in legal matters, and a team player. It was a great pleasure working with him!” (Legal 500: Arbitration 2024)
- “Michael Lazopoulos is the perfect professional. Dedicated, broad experience and very knowledgeable in international litigation and arbitration. Excellent response time, high quality of written submissions, pleasant to work with” (Legal 500: Arbitration 2024)
- “As chair, Michael Lazopoulos was always well-prepared and interested in the views of the co arbitrators prior to expressing his own opinion. He prepared the first drafts of two awards in an excellent manner” (Legal 500: Arbitration 2023)
- “Michael Lazopoulos is an absolute star. His intelligence, attention to detail, responsiveness and genuine concern for our business make him a highly valued and trusted advisor. He noticeably stands out from the competition” (Legal 500: Employment 2023)
- “Michael Lazopoulos is a favourite among clients who praise his expertise in white-collar crime and employment law” (Who's Who Legal: Future Leaders Commercial Litigation 2022, ranked as one of the most highly regarded commercial litigation practitioners in the EMEA region)
- “‘His expertise, his tactics and his insights are always valuable and add to the success of a case.’ ‘Michael is a very effective and engaged lawyer.’ ‘He is very well known in the international arbitration market’” (Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2021)
- “Michael Lazopoulos is deeply experienced at representing domestic and international clients in commercial disputes and is ‘always a pleasure to work with’” (Who’s Who Legal: Future Leaders Commercial Litigation 2021)
- “The ‘very skilled’ Michael Lazopoulos is highly regarded for his ‘strong work commitment’ and ‘outstanding network’” (Who’s Who Legal: Switzerland – Arbitration 2021)
- “Michael Lazopoulos has a stellar reputation in a wide range of international and domestic commercial disputes, and is ‘always a pleasure to work with’ note impressed sources” (Who’s Who Legal: Switzerland – Litigation 2021)
- “Michael Lazopoulos is an ‘outstanding and very engaging’ lawyer, regarded as ‘very skilled’ in arbitral proceedings. Peers say they ‘love working with him’” (Who’s Who Legal: Switzerland – Arbitration 2020)
- “Michael Lazopoulos is 'a very strong practitioner’ with deep expertise in white-collar crime, employment and insolvency disputes” (Who’s Who Legal: Switzerland – Litigation 2020)
- “Michael Lazopoulos is an ‘exceedingly professional’ lawyer who is well versed in representing clients in a wide variety of arbitration settings and is ‘a pleasure to work with’, according to peers” (Who’s Who Legal: Switzerland – Arbitration 2019)
- “Michael Lazopoulos is ‘a pragmatic and intelligent lawyer’ who boasts a great reputation in markets as ‘a standout litigator’” (Who’s Who Legal: Litigation – Future Leaders 2019)
- “Michael Lazopoulos practises both as counsel and arbitrator and is widely respected for his impressive work on behalf of international and Swiss clients” (Who’s Who Legal: Switzerland – Arbitration 2018)
- “Michael Lazopoulos ‘does an outstanding job as counsel’ and is also ‘highly regarded’ as arbitrator in international and domestic arbitrations” (Who’s Who Legal: Switzerland – Arbitration 2017)
- Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung (ZPO), Commentary, Brunner Alexander/Gasser Dominik/Schwander Ivo (eds.), 3rd ed., Zurich/St. Gallen 2024, Art. 391-392
- Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung, Commentary, Gehri Myriam A./Jent-Sørensen Ingrid/Sarbach Martin (eds.), 3rd ed., Zurich 2023, Art. 243-260 (co-author)
- Arbitration in Switzerland – The Practitioner’s Guide, Manuel Arroyo (ed.), 2nd ed., The Hague 2018, Commentary on Art. 15-17 of the Swiss Rules
- Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung, Commentary, Gehri Myriam A./Jent-Sørensen Ingrid/Sarbach Martin (eds.), 2nd ed., Zurich 2015, Art. 243-260 (co-author)
- Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung, Art. 353-399 ZPO and Art. 407 ZPO, Vol. III, Domestic Arbitration, Berner Kommentar zum schweizerischen Privatrecht, Hausheer Heinz/Walter Hans Peter (eds.), Bern 2014, Art. 381-386
- Kurzkommentar Obligationenrecht, Art. 1-1186 OR, Honsell Heinrich (ed.), Basel/Geneva/Munich 2014, Art. 441-442, 444-446, 449-451, 453-454
- Dispute Resolution Clauses in International Contracts, Beale Ned/Lautenschlager Barbara/Scotti Giuseppe/Van den hole Leo (eds.), Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2013, p. 479 et seq. (co-author)
- Arbitration in Switzerland – The Practitioner’s Guide, Manuel Arroyo (ed.), The Hague 2013, Commentary on Art. 15-17 of the Swiss Rules
- Findet Art. 223 ZPO (Nachfristansetzung bei versäumter Klageantwort) ausserhalb des ordentlichen Verfahrens sinngemäss Anwendung? Urteilsbesprechung von BGer 5A_209/2012, in: Aktuelle Juristische Praxis (AJP), 10/2012, p. 1483 et seq.
- Choosing your Battleground: The Law and Practice of Dispute Resolution Clauses, AIJA National Report for the AIJA Litigation and Arbitration Commissions, Barcelona 2012 (co-author)
- Respondent's Refusal to Pay its Share of the Advance on Costs, in: ASA-Bulletin 3/2011, p. 549 et seq. (co-author)
- Arrestrecht – Die wesentlichen Änderungen im Zusammenhang mit dem revLugÜ und der neuen ZPO, in: Aktuelle Juristische Praxis (AJP), 5/2011, p. 608 et seq.
- Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung (ZPO), Commentary, Brunner Alexander/Gasser Dominik/Schwander Ivo (eds.), Zurich/St. Gallen 2011, Art. 389-392 (co-author)
- Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung, Commentary, Gehri Myriam A./Kramer Michael (eds.), Zurich 2010, Art. 243-260
- Summary Judgment and Expedited Proceedings: Is Mainstream International Arbitration Ready for the Next Step?, AIJA National Report for the AIJA Arbitration Commission, Charleston 2010 (co-author)
- Kurzkommentar zum Obligationenrecht, Honsell Heinrich (ed.), Basel/Geneva/Munich 2008, Art. 441-442, 444-446, 449-451, 453-454
- Vertragliche Erfüllungsansprüche sind von der Haftpflichtversicherung nicht gedeckt, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarktrecht (SZW), 6/2006, p. 461 et seq.
- Unternehmerrisiko und Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung, in: Haftung und Versicherung (HAVE), 2/2006, p. 107 et seq.
- Massnahmen zur Bewältigung von Interessenkonflikten, in: Aktuelle Juristische Praxis (AJP), 2/2006, p. 139 et seq.
- Interessenkonflikte und Verantwortlichkeit des fiduziarischen Verwaltungsrates, Schweizerische Schriften zum Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht (SSHW), vol. 237, Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2004
- Moderation of the panel discussion on “The Efficient and Robust Arbitrator” (3rd SCAI Innovation Conference, “All Eyes on the Arbitrator, New Approaches to Arbitrator Selection and Case Management”, Geneva, 31 January 2019)
- Presentation on “Reports by Party-Appointed Experts” and moderation of the panel discussion on “Reports by Party-Appointed Experts: Only a Waste of Time?” (Europe Institute, University of Zurich, seminar “Arbitration: Hot Topics”, 25 June 2015)
- Presentation at the session “Young/Senior Lawyers” on the topic “The View of the Young Generation” (SBA/FSA – Congress of the Swiss Bar Association at Stade de Suisse in Berne, 12 September 2014)
- Presentation on “Cost issues in Arbitration” (5th AIJA Annual Arbitration Conference, Basel, 9 March 2013)
Lustenberger + Partners KLG
Wiesenstrasse 8
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CH-8032 Zurich
T +41 44 387 19 00
F +41 44 387 19 66